Hope For The Day
Hope For The Day is an organization that focuses on mental health education throught self expression.
I met them over a year ago, at the Never Say Die Tour. As I’ve always been struggling with anxiety and mental issues, I could relate to the cause, so I emailed them and we’ve been speaking about collaboration.
They asked me to tell them my story and they are sharing some of my recents artworks on their social media accounts to bring awereness about mental illness. And I’m really proud of this.
A photo posted by HOPE FOR THE DAY (@hopefortheday) on
You are never alone; have hope #hopefortheday pic.twitter.com/sIVkYpxd90
— Hope For The Day (@HopeForTheDay) November 23, 2016
I’m also sharing lots of comics about this on http://sow-ay.tumblr.com/
I can also tell you I’ll be making an exhibition about mental illness with those minimalist drawings. I made many as the anxiety became stronger than ever and discovering my artworks can help people gave me an amazing purpose.